Abstracts serializing functionality. More...
#include <shark/Core/ISerializable.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual | ~ISerializable () |
Virtual d'tor. | |
virtual void | read (InArchive &archive) |
Read the component from the supplied archive. | |
virtual void | write (OutArchive &archive) const |
Write the component to the supplied archive. | |
void | load (InArchive &archive, unsigned int version) |
Versioned loading of components, calls read(...). | |
void | save (OutArchive &archive, unsigned int version) const |
Versioned storing of components, calls write(...). | |
Abstracts serializing functionality.
In order to integrate alien serialization libraries with the components based on this interface, the classes boost::archive::polymorphic_iarchive and boost::archive::polymorphic_oarchive need to be implemented in terms of alien serialization library.
Definition at line 91 of file ISerializable.h.
inlinevirtual |
Virtual d'tor.
Definition at line 96 of file ISerializable.h.
shark::ISerializable::BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_MEMBER | ( | ) |
inline |
Versioned loading of components, calls read(...).
Definition at line 115 of file ISerializable.h.
References read().
inlinevirtual |
Read the component from the supplied archive.
[in,out] | archive | The archive to read from. |
Reimplemented in shark::ARDKernelUnconstrained< InputType >, shark::DiscreteKernel, shark::GaussianRbfKernel< InputType >, shark::LinearKernel< InputType >, shark::MonomialKernel< InputType >, shark::MultiTaskSample< InputTypeT >, shark::GaussianTaskKernel< InputTypeT >, shark::PolynomialKernel< InputType >, shark::ProductKernel< InputType >, shark::ProductKernel< MultiTaskSample< InputTypeT > >, shark::ScaledKernel< InputType >, shark::WeightedSumKernel< InputType >, shark::WeightedSumKernel< InputType >, shark::CMA, shark::CMSA, shark::CrossEntropyMethod, shark::ElitistCMA, shark::GridSearch, shark::NestedGridSearch, shark::PointSearch, shark::IndicatorBasedMOCMA< Indicator >, shark::IndicatorBasedRealCodedNSGAII< Indicator >, shark::IndicatorBasedRealCodedNSGAII< NSGA3Indicator >, shark::SimplexDownhill, shark::SMSEMOA, shark::IndicatorBasedSteadyStateMOCMA< Indicator >, shark::AbstractLineSearchOptimizer< SearchPointType >, shark::AbstractLineSearchOptimizer< RealVector >, shark::Adam< SearchPointType >, shark::BFGS< SearchPointType >, shark::CG< SearchPointType >, shark::LBFGS< SearchPointType >, shark::LineSearch< SearchPointType >, shark::LineSearch< RealVector >, shark::Rprop< SearchPointType >, shark::SteepestDescent< SearchPointType >, shark::OptimizationTrainer< Model, LabelTypeT >, shark::TypedFlags< Flag >, shark::TypedFlags< Feature >, shark::Data< Type >, shark::Data< InputT >, shark::Data< InputType >, shark::Data< LabelT >, shark::Data< LabelType >, shark::Data< RealVector >, shark::Data< SearchPointType >, shark::Data< shark::MultiTaskSample >, shark::Data< unsigned int >, shark::LabeledData< InputT, LabelT >, shark::LabeledData< InputType, LabelType >, shark::LabeledData< InputType, unsigned int >, shark::LabeledData< RealVector, RealVector >, shark::LabeledData< RealVector, unsigned int >, shark::AbstractModel< InputTypeT, OutputTypeT, ParameterVectorType >, shark::AbstractModel< InputT, OutputT >, shark::AbstractModel< InputT, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< InputT, unsigned int >, shark::AbstractModel< InputType, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< InputType, unsigned int, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< Model::InputType, unsigned int, Model::ParameterVectorType >, shark::AbstractModel< RealVector, LabelType >, shark::AbstractModel< RealVector, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< RealVector, RealVector, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< VectorType, VectorType, VectorType >, shark::Classifier< Model >, shark::Classifier< detail::BaseNearestNeighbor< InputType, unsigned int > >, shark::Classifier< KernelExpansion< InputType > >, shark::Classifier< LinearModel< RealVector > >, shark::AbstractClustering< InputT >, shark::AbstractClustering< RealVector >, shark::Centroids, shark::ClusteringModel< InputT, OutputT >, shark::ClusteringModel< InputT, RealVector >, shark::ClusteringModel< InputT, unsigned int >, shark::CMACMap, shark::ConcatenatedModel< VectorType >, shark::Conv2DModel< VectorType, ActivationFunction >, shark::DropoutLayer< VectorType >, shark::AbstractMetric< InputTypeT >, shark::AbstractMetric< InputType >, shark::AbstractMetric< MultiTaskSample< InputTypeT > >, shark::AbstractMetric< RealVector >, shark::AbstractMetric< std::size_t >, shark::CSvmDerivative< InputType, CacheType >, shark::KernelExpansion< InputType >, shark::LinearModel< InputType, ActivationFunction >, shark::LinearModel< RealVector >, shark::NeuronLayer< NeuronType, VectorType >, shark::Normalizer< VectorType >, shark::OneVersusOneClassifier< InputType, VectorType >, shark::PoolingLayer< VectorType >, shark::RBFLayer, shark::ResizeLayer< VectorType >, shark::CARTree< LabelType >, shark::BinaryLayer, shark::BipolarLayer, shark::GaussianLayer, and shark::RBM< VisibleLayerT, HiddenLayerT, randomT >.
Definition at line 102 of file ISerializable.h.
Referenced by load().
inline |
Versioned storing of components, calls write(...).
Definition at line 124 of file ISerializable.h.
References write().
inlinevirtual |
Write the component to the supplied archive.
[in,out] | archive | The archive to write to. |
Reimplemented in shark::ARDKernelUnconstrained< InputType >, shark::DiscreteKernel, shark::GaussianRbfKernel< InputType >, shark::LinearKernel< InputType >, shark::ModelKernel< InputType >, shark::MonomialKernel< InputType >, shark::MultiTaskSample< InputTypeT >, shark::GaussianTaskKernel< InputTypeT >, shark::PolynomialKernel< InputType >, shark::ProductKernel< InputType >, shark::ProductKernel< MultiTaskSample< InputTypeT > >, shark::ScaledKernel< InputType >, shark::WeightedSumKernel< InputType >, shark::WeightedSumKernel< InputType >, shark::CMA, shark::CMSA, shark::CrossEntropyMethod, shark::ElitistCMA, shark::GridSearch, shark::NestedGridSearch, shark::PointSearch, shark::IndicatorBasedMOCMA< Indicator >, shark::IndicatorBasedRealCodedNSGAII< Indicator >, shark::IndicatorBasedRealCodedNSGAII< NSGA3Indicator >, shark::SimplexDownhill, shark::SMSEMOA, shark::IndicatorBasedSteadyStateMOCMA< Indicator >, shark::AbstractLineSearchOptimizer< SearchPointType >, shark::AbstractLineSearchOptimizer< RealVector >, shark::Adam< SearchPointType >, shark::BFGS< SearchPointType >, shark::CG< SearchPointType >, shark::LBFGS< SearchPointType >, shark::LineSearch< SearchPointType >, shark::LineSearch< RealVector >, shark::Rprop< SearchPointType >, shark::SteepestDescent< SearchPointType >, shark::OptimizationTrainer< Model, LabelTypeT >, shark::TypedFlags< Flag >, shark::TypedFlags< Feature >, shark::Data< Type >, shark::Data< InputT >, shark::Data< InputType >, shark::Data< LabelT >, shark::Data< LabelType >, shark::Data< RealVector >, shark::Data< SearchPointType >, shark::Data< shark::MultiTaskSample >, shark::Data< unsigned int >, shark::LabeledData< InputT, LabelT >, shark::LabeledData< InputType, LabelType >, shark::LabeledData< InputType, unsigned int >, shark::LabeledData< RealVector, RealVector >, shark::LabeledData< RealVector, unsigned int >, shark::AbstractModel< InputTypeT, OutputTypeT, ParameterVectorType >, shark::AbstractModel< InputT, OutputT >, shark::AbstractModel< InputT, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< InputT, unsigned int >, shark::AbstractModel< InputType, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< InputType, unsigned int, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< Model::InputType, unsigned int, Model::ParameterVectorType >, shark::AbstractModel< RealVector, LabelType >, shark::AbstractModel< RealVector, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< RealVector, RealVector, RealVector >, shark::AbstractModel< VectorType, VectorType, VectorType >, shark::Classifier< Model >, shark::Classifier< detail::BaseNearestNeighbor< InputType, unsigned int > >, shark::Classifier< KernelExpansion< InputType > >, shark::Classifier< LinearModel< RealVector > >, shark::AbstractClustering< InputT >, shark::AbstractClustering< RealVector >, shark::Centroids, shark::ClusteringModel< InputT, OutputT >, shark::ClusteringModel< InputT, RealVector >, shark::ClusteringModel< InputT, unsigned int >, shark::CMACMap, shark::ConcatenatedModel< VectorType >, shark::Conv2DModel< VectorType, ActivationFunction >, shark::DropoutLayer< VectorType >, shark::AbstractMetric< InputTypeT >, shark::AbstractMetric< InputType >, shark::AbstractMetric< MultiTaskSample< InputTypeT > >, shark::AbstractMetric< RealVector >, shark::AbstractMetric< std::size_t >, shark::CSvmDerivative< InputType, CacheType >, shark::KernelExpansion< InputType >, shark::LinearModel< InputType, ActivationFunction >, shark::LinearModel< RealVector >, shark::NeuronLayer< NeuronType, VectorType >, shark::Normalizer< VectorType >, shark::OneVersusOneClassifier< InputType, VectorType >, shark::PoolingLayer< VectorType >, shark::RBFLayer, shark::ResizeLayer< VectorType >, shark::CARTree< LabelType >, shark::BinaryLayer, shark::BipolarLayer, shark::GaussianLayer, and shark::RBM< VisibleLayerT, HiddenLayerT, randomT >.
Definition at line 109 of file ISerializable.h.
Referenced by save().