Objective functions

Objective functions for optimization.

In shark, the learning problem is phrased as an objective function which is then optimized using Algorithms to find a local minimum ofObjective functions. . This allows to test and develop algorithms using Benchmark functions independent of the problem to solve.

+ Collaboration diagram for Objective functions:


class  shark::AbstractObjectiveFunction< PointType, ResultT >
 Super class of all objective functions for optimization and learning. More...
class  shark::CombinedObjectiveFunction< SearchPointType, ResultT >
 Linear combination of objective functions. More...
class  shark::CrossValidationError< ModelTypeT, LabelTypeT >
 Cross-validation error for selection of hyper-parameters. More...
class  shark::ErrorFunction< SearchPointType >
 Objective function for supervised learning. More...
class  shark::EvaluationArchive< PointType, ResultT >
 Objective function wrapper storing all function evaluations. More...
class  shark::LooError< ModelTypeT, LabelType >
 Leave-one-out error objective function. More...
class  shark::NegativeLogLikelihood
 Computes the negative log likelihood of a dataset under a model. More...
class  shark::OneNormRegularizer< SearchPointType >
 One-norm of the input as an objective function. More...
class  shark::TwoNormRegularizer< SearchPointType >
 Two-norm of the input as an objective function. More...
class  shark::VariationalAutoencoderError< SearchPointType >
 Computes the variational autoencoder error function. More...


 Constraint Handling
 Objects for handling constraints.
 Benchmark functions
 Kernel Optimization
 All kinds of objective functions to optimize kernel functions.