Nearest Neighbor Classification


The nearest neighbor classifier is a simple, still powerful classification algorithm. Assume that we are given a data set

\[S = \{(x_1,y_1),...,(x_l,y_l)\}\]

and that we want to predict the label y of an unseen data point x. The idea of K nearest neighbor classification is to look in S for those K patterns that are most similar to x and to choose y based on their labels. The NearestNeighborModel implemented in Shark supports classification as well as regression. In this tutorial we give an classification example

For details see [DMLNb].

Nearest Neighbor Classification in Shark

Sample classification problem: Protein fold prediction

Proteins are important building blocks of our body and it is essential to understand their biological function not only for purely scientific reasons but also for drug discovery and developing of treatments schemes against diseases.

It is known that the function of a protein is closely related to its 3D spatial structure. Biologists developed several experimental methods to determine the 3D structure of a protein including protein nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or X-ray based techniques. However, these experimental techniques are generally time consuming, slow, and very expensive.

Against this background, predicting the spatial structure based on the gene sequence and other information about a protein is an important task in bioinformatics. Here we consider prediction of the secondary structure of proteins, that is, their general shape ignoring specific atomic positions in three-dimensional space. The goal is to assign a protein to one out of 27 SCOP fold types [DingDubchak2001].

We consider classification using descriptions of amino-acid sequences based on the data provided by [DamoulasGirolami2008]. The data C.csv provide a description of the amino-acid compositions of 695 proteins together with the corresponding fold type. Each row corresponds to a protein. The first 20 attributes in each line of C.csv are the features (input attributes), the final integer indicates the class (i.e., the fold type).

Reading, inspecting and splitting the data

First, let us read in the data from the file C.csv. assuming

#include <shark/Data/Csv.h>

using namespace shark;
using namespace std;

Then code for reading the data may look like this:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        if(argc < 2) {
                cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " (filename)" << endl;
        // read data
        ClassificationDataset data;
        try {
                importCSV(data, argv[1], LAST_COLUMN, ' ');
        catch (...) {
                cerr << "unable to read data from file " <<  argv[1] << endl;

The function importCSV is used for loading the data from the files, as described in the Importing Data tutorial. In this example, the inputs and the labels are combined in a single file. The argument LAST_COLUMN specifies that the label is the last entry in a line. The argument " " specifies the character separating fields in each line and "#" defines the character that marks comments in the data file (i.e., lines starting with # are ignored).

Let’s inspect the data:

cout << "number of data points: " << data.numberOfElements()
     << " number of classes: " << numberOfClasses(data)
     << " input dimension: " << inputDimension(data) << endl;

Now we know that we have 694 data points points. Every protein is described by 20 features/attributes and is assigned to one out of 20 classes.

Next, we split our data into a training and a test set used for identifying and evaluating the model, respectively. The command

ClassificationDataset dataTest = splitAtElement(data, static_cast<std::size_t>(.5 * data.numberOfElements()));
cout << "training data points: " << data.numberOfElements() << endl;
cout << "test data points: " << dataTest.numberOfElements() << endl;

splits the data after the 311th element into two parts. the left part stays in the dataset, the right part will now be our test set.

Model and learning algorithm

Efficient look-up of the stored training patterns is crucial if the nearest neighbor method is applied to large data sets. Tree lookup algorithms are an efficient means for this, however they only work in low dimensional spaces, or high dimensional spaces with low intrinsic dimensionality. For high dimensional data, tree lookup is inefficient and actually may be slower than just evaluating the distance between every pair of points. Thus we provide an implementation of nearest neighor classifiers which allow to choose which algorithm to use.

The header files for the different algorithms required in this tutorial are:

#include <shark/Models/NearestNeighborModel.h>
#include <shark/Algorithms/NearestNeighbors/TreeNearestNeighbors.h>
#include <shark/Models/Trees/KDTree.h>

Since our dataset has low dimensionality, we can use a tree lookup. The standard choice for a tree is a KD-tree [Bentley1975], which is initialized with the training input data as follows:

KDTree<RealVector> tree(data.inputs());

Now we generate the KNN-Lookup algorithm for this tree:

TreeNearestNeighbors<RealVector,unsigned int> algorithm(data,&tree);

Now defining and training a K nearest neighbor classifier with the algorithm is just a single line

const unsigned int K = 1; // number of neighbors for kNN
NearestNeighborModel<RealVector, unsigned int> KNN(&algorithm,K);

instantiating a NearestNeighborModel object.

Evaluating the model

After training the model, we can evaluate it. As a performance measure, we consider the standard 0-1 loss. The corresponding risk is the probability of error, the empirical risk is the average classification error. When measured on set of sample patterns, it simply computes the fraction of wrong predictions. We define the ZeroOneLoss for unsigned integer labels and apply the classifier to the training and the test data:

ZeroOneLoss<unsigned int> loss;
Data<unsigned int> prediction = KNN(data.inputs());
cout << K << "-KNN on training set accuracy: " << 1. - loss.eval(data.labels(), prediction) << endl;
prediction = KNN(dataTest.inputs());
cout << K << "-KNN on test set accuracy:     " << 1. - loss.eval(dataTest.labels(), prediction) << endl;

Of course, the accuracy is given by one minus the error. The training accuracy for K=1 is trivial, but it is interesting to see how this simple classifier performs compared to random guessing.

Full example program

The full example program is KNNTutorial.cpp.

Advanced topics

Not only the Euclidean metric is supported, but also kernel-based nearest neighbor classification is provided. In this case the kernel-induced metric is applied. This can be done by replacing the KDTree by an KHCTree and using an appropriate kernel.

For high dimensional data, as said before, a tree lookup may not be that efficient. In this case, we can just use the simple brute force algorithm instead, which is implemented by SimpleNearestNeighbors. It requires specifying a kernel object. Choosing a LinearKernel will give the same results as the example above.

Often you do not only want the nearest neighbor algorithm to predict the most promising class label for given input pattern x, but an estimate of the probability that x belongs to a certain class. This can be done by using the decisionFunction() method provided by the NearestNeighborModel in the classification case.



J.L. Bentley. Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searching. Communications of the ACM, 18(9):509-517, 1975.


T. Damoulas and M. Girolami. Probabilistic multi-class multi-kernel learning: on protein fold recognition and remote homology detection. Bioinformatics, 24(10):1264-1270, 2008.


C.H.Q. Ding and I. Dubchak. Multi-class protein fold recognition using support vector machines and neural networks. Bioinformatics, 17(4):349-358, 2001.


C. Igel. Data Mining: Lecture Notes, chapter 2, 2011