Importing Data

Shark provides a number of containers for data storage. Read the basic data tutorials first if you are not familiar with these containers. This tutorial deals with how to fill the containers with actual data.

For the examples in this tutorial we need the following includes:

#include <shark/Data/Dataset.h>
#include <shark/Data/DataDistribution.h>
#include <shark/Data/Csv.h>
#include <shark/Data/SparseData.h>
#include <shark/Data/Download.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace shark;

For later use we declare a Data object holding points and a LabeledData object (aka ClassificationDataset) holding points augmented with unsigned integer labels.

Data<RealVector> points;
ClassificationDataset dataset;

File Formats

Shark supports a number of standard file formats for data sets, most prominently comma(character)-separated-values (CSV) for dense data and the LIBSVM format ( for sparse data. Furthermore, images in PGM format can be read.

Shark does not come with its own data set format any more in order to avoid further growth of the jungle of data set formats. However, data can be serialized, which practically amounts to a data file format.

Most data formats in common use are restricted to (sparse) vectorial input data. Thus, when dealing with non-vectorial data the user needs to write specialized methods for loading/storing the data. It is understood that shark cannot implement any possible data format you can dream of. However, if the input type is serializable with boost::serialization, then the Data container can be serialized.

Generate from Artificial Distributions

Data sets can be generated using artificial distributions. Currently, shark comes with a few distributions for testing purposes, but if you need automatically generated (pseudo random) data then you probably want to create your own distribution class. To create your own data distribution, you have to derive a class from the DataDistribution or LabeledDataDistribution interfaces and overload the draw method, which allows shark to draw a examples from your probability distribution. Also you can choose which types your inputs and labels should have.

As an example, let us generate inputs from the real line with labels 0 and 1 with equal probability, with uniform and overlapping class-conditional distributions:

class YourDistribution : public LabeledDataDistribution<RealVector, unsigned int>
        void draw(RealVector& input, unsigned int& label) const
                label = random::coinToss(random::globalRng);
                input(0) = random::uni(random::globalRng, -1,1);
                input(1) = random::uni(random::globalRng, -1,1) + label;

Once the distribution is defined it is easy to generate a data set:

YourDistribution distribution;
unsigned int numberOfSamples = 1000;
dataset = distribution.generateDataset(numberOfSamples);

Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

Shark supports the simplistic but widespread CSV (comma/character separated value) data format; however, support of this format is currently quite limited. Not all class label types are supported and the data must be dense.

Since the separator in the CSV format is left open it needs to be specified. A comma (“,”) is a standard choice, but spaces or tabulators are also common. A comma is used as a default.

Now you can call one of the import routines like this:

importCSV(points, "inputs.csv", ',', '#');
importCSV(dataset, "data.csv", LAST_COLUMN, ',', '#');

The last two arguments define the separator (here a comma) and the character introducing a comment line. Here they are set to their default values, which is the comma and the number sign. Exporting data is needed less frequently. It works similarly, see exportCSV().

The third argument of the second call is one of the constants FIRST_COLUMN or LAST_COLUMN. It indicates that the first (or last) number of each line acts as a label - and hence is expected to be an integer. If you want to import regression data then you have to load data and labels from different csv files and create a LabeledData object from the two containers:

Data<RealVector> inputs;
Data<RealVector> labels;
importCSV(inputs, "inputs.csv");
importCSV(labels, "labels.csv");
RegressionDataset dataset(inputs, labels);

Sparse Format (e.g., LibSVM)

Shark can import sparse vectorial data files. This data format is in widespread use for SVM software packages such as libSVM. It represents sparse vectorial data augmented with integer class labels or regression labels in an ASCII-based format.

Similar to the CSV import functions we can call

importSparseData(dataset, "data.libsvm");

Our data object defined above represents inputs as type RealVector. Hence the above call imports the data into a dense RealVector container. This is only suitable if we know beforehand that the data is not (very) sparse. For sparse and often high-dimensional data the above approach is not only inefficient, it can also easily result in a huge waste of memory, extensive swapping to take place, and even memory allocation failures. Instead libSVM data should most often be loaded into sparse vector containers

LabeledData<CompressedRealVector, unsigned int> sparse_dataset;
importSparseData(sparse_dataset, "data.libsvm");

For sparse data the actual data dimension can be deduced only if the highest feature is non-zero for at least one instance. In a setting like cross-validation or data sub-sampling this is not always the case. Therefore the data dimension can be provided explicitly to importSparseData() as a third argument. The optional fourth argument specifies the default batch size of the container. It should usually be left at its default.

Downloading Data from Online Resources

Shark supports downloading data from websites. This is of interest for quick experimentation, as well as for benchmark studies.

Shark supports HTTP downloads of dense (CSV) and sparse (libSVM) data. Simply provide the URL to the data file to populate a LabeledData object:

// download dense data downloadCsvData(dataset, “”, LAST_COLUMN, ‘ ‘);

// download sparse data downloadSparseData(dataset, “”);