K-Means Clustering


The goal of clustering or segmentation is to assign data points (e.g., records in a database) to groups or clusters. Similar points should be in the same cluster, dissimilar points should be in different clusters. In hard clustering each data point belongs exactly to one group, while in soft clustering a data point can belong to more than one group. The arguably most fundamental segmentation algorithm is k-means clustering, an iterative algorithm in which the number of clusters has to be specified a priori (for details see, e.g., [Bishop2006] or [DMLN]).

K-means Clustering in Shark

IN the following, we look at hard clustering using the k-means algorithm.

Sample clustering problem: Old Faithful

For this tutorial we need to include the following files:

#include <shark/Data/Csv.h> //load the csv file
#include <shark/Algorithms/Trainers/NormalizeComponentsUnitVariance.h> //normalize

#include <shark/Algorithms/KMeans.h> //k-means algorithm
#include <shark/Models/Clustering/HardClusteringModel.h>//model performing hard clustering of points

First, we load some sample data:

importCSV(data, argv[1], ' ');

Inspired by [Bishop2006], we consider the Old Faithful data set containing observations from the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA:

Old Faithful geyser

An entry in the data set contains a measurement of the waiting time until the next eruption of the geyser and the duration of the eruption. The data looks like this:

Old Faithful  data

It is advisable to normalize the data before clustering, see the Normalization of Input Data tutorial:

Normalizer<> normalizer;
NormalizeComponentsUnitVariance<> normalizingTrainer(true);//zero mean
normalizingTrainer.train(normalizer, data);
data = normalizer(data);

Computing the cluster centers

Now k-means clustering works like this:

Centroids centroids;
size_t iterations = kMeans(data, 2, centroids);

The cluster centers are stored in the Centroids class. The number 2 here specifies the number k of clusters. The cluster centers are updated by the algorithm in an iterative manner. The function kMeans() returns the number of iterations performed by the algorithm. An optional parameter can set an upper bound on the number of iterations.

In general, the result of the clustering depends on the initial centroids in the first iteration of the algorithm. If the centroids are not initialized before they are passed to kMeans(), they are initialized with the first k data points.

The class/cluster centers (centroids) can be assessed as follows:

Data<RealVector> const& c = centroids.centroids();


The centroids can now be used to cluster the data. We do a hard clustering by:

HardClusteringModel<RealVector> model(&centroids);
Data<unsigned> clusters = model(data);

The points in the clusters can, for example, be assessed as follows:

for(std::size_t i=0; i != elements; i++) {
                c1 << data.element(i)(0) << " " << data.element(i)(1) << endl;
                c2 << data.element(i)(0) << " " << data.element(i)(1) << endl;

The result of the clustering looks like this (the blue crosses indicate the class centers):

plot of sample faces

Full example program

The full example program is KMeansTutorial.cpp.


[Bishop2006] (1,2)

C.M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer-Verlag 2006.


C. Igel. Data Mining: Lecture Notes, chapter 4, 2011