Objective Functions

An objective function formalizes an optimization problem for which a (somehow) optimal solution is to be found, for example using Optimizers. Given an input point within its admissible search space, an objective function returns a (possibly noisy) objective value and, optionally, its derivative. The input is typically a vector of real numbers, but the interface allows for more general cases as well. For single objective optimization the return value is a real number and the goal is to minimize it. For multi-objective optimization, the output is a vector holding the objective function value for each of the multiple goals.

Besides returning a corresponding value for a search point, objective functions in Shark also manage their own search space. In detail, they provide a method indicating if a given point is feasible, and possibly also a method which can provide the feasible point closest to an infeasible one.

List of Classes

The list of objective functions is available in the class documentation.

The base class ‘AbstractObjectiveFunction <SearchPointType, ResultT>’

Template arguments and public types

The base class AbstractObjectiveFunction has two template arguments. The first is the SarchPointType, which defines the admissible type of inputs. ResultT defines the return type of the objective function, which for single-objective functions is double, and RealVector for multi-objective functions. Thus, a typical single objective function has as type signature AbstractObjectiveFunction< RealVector, double > and a multi objective function AbstractObjectiveFunction< RealVector, RealVector >. The following two typedefs are used throughout hark to make the distinction clear:




SearchPointType is RealVector, ResultType is double


SearchPointType is RealVector, ResultType is RealVector

Based on the search space type, the following types are inferred and made public as typedefs:




Type of an input point


Type of the derivative with respect to the point


Type of the object storing the first and second order derivative


Objective functions have a set of flags which indicate their capabilities and constraints. Accessor functions ease querying these flags:

Flag, accessor function

If set to true …

HAS_VALUE, hasValue

The objective function can calculate its own function value. Since this attribute is common to most objective functions, this flag is set by default. See comment below.

HAS_FIRST_DERIVATIVE, hasFirstDerivative

The first derivative can be computed.

HAS_SECOND_DERIVATIVE, hasSecondDerivative

The second derivative can be computed.


The input space is constrained, and the function must offer a method isFeasible for checking whether a point is feasible.

HAS_CONSTRAINT_HANDLER, hasConstraintHandler

Indicates that the constraints are governed by a handler.


The objective function can propose a feasible starting point from which the optimizer can start the optimization.


A constrained function can provide a function closestFeasible which returns the closest feasible point given an infeasible one.

IS_THREAD_SAFE, isThreadSafe

This flag indicates that eval and evalDerivative can be called in parallel by the optimizer for different points.

IS_NOISY, isNoisy

This flag indicates that the function is noisy and several calls to eval or evalDerivative will lead to different results

The flag HAS_VALUE might seem strange at first. However, there exist scenarios where we want to implement the gradient of an objective function without a corresponding function itself. For some optimizers, the gradient information is enough to find a better point. If the flag is not set, calling eval is not allowed, and other functions return meaningless values like qnan. The flag HAS_CONSTRAINT_HANDLER indicates that constraints are represented by a secondary object. This object can be quried and might offer more spcial information about the constraints. for example it might indicate that it reprsents box constraints - in this case the exact shape of the box can be queried and an algorithm might choose a specific strategy based on this information.


Using an objective function is easy, as can be seen in the following short list of functions:




Needs to be called before using it with an optimizer. This sets internal variables, e.g. the evaluation counter to 0. For Benchmark function it picks for example a random rotation or translation.


Returns the constraint handler of the function, if it has one.


Protected function which is called from a derived class to indicate the presence of the handler. Sets up all flags of the objective function automatically.

bool isFeasible(SearchPointType)

Returns true if a search point is feasible


Selects the feasible point closest to an infeasible one

SearchPointType proposeStartingPoint()

Returns an initial (possibly random) guess for a solution.

ResultType eval(SearchPointType)

Evaluates the function on a given point

ResultType operator()(SearchPointType)

Convenience operator calling eval

ResultType evalDerivative(SearchPointType, FirstOrderDerivative)

Evaluates the function as well as the first derivative

ResultType evalDerivative(SearchPointType, SecondOrderDerivative)

Evaluates the function as well as the first and second derivative

The function init allows objective functions to have random components in their setup. For example, certain benchmark functions can feature random rotation matrices or optimal points. It is also useful because it allows for easy, centralized configuration and allows the objective function to update its internal data structures before optimization. This function needs to be called before calling any init function of the optimizer.

If the search space is a vector space, additional functions are added which return or set the dimensionality of the objective function:



std::size_t numberOfVariables()

Returns the required dimensionality of the input point

bool hasScalableDimensionality()

Returns true when the input space of the function can be scaled. This is useful for Benchmarking

setNumberOfVariables( std::size_t )

Sets the dimensionality of the input points if the function is scaleable.

MultiObjectiveFunctions offer the same mechanism for the number of objectives



std::size_t numberOfObjectivees()

Returns the dimensionality of a result vector

bool hasScalableObjectives()

Returns true if the number of objectives can be changed, for example for Benchmarking.

setNumberOfVariables( std::size_t )

Sets the number of objectives if it is scalable.

Besides this, objective functions also have a name which can be used for automatic generation of output messages and store the number of times eval was called. The last feature is needed when benchmarking optimizers:



std::string name()

Returns the name of the function.

std::size_t evaluationCounter()

Returns the number of function evaluations since the last call to init.

In summary, an objective functions has a very simple life cycle. First, it is created and configured. After that, init is called. Then the function can be evaluated using the different forms of eval or evalDerivative.