Direct Search Algorithms

Shark offers classes and methods implementing evolutionary single- and multi-objective optimization algorithms. The component provides a multitude of different evolutionary optimizers together with a rich sample of common benchmark functions.

This section gives an overview of the underlying concepts of the component and targets both the library user and a potential contributor to Shark.


In case of direct search algorithms, a minimization goal is assumed.

Individuals & Populations

Most evolutionary algorithms, both single- and multi-objective, are implemented in terms of the evolutionary loop. That is, in every iteration of the algorithm, a set of individuals, a so-called population, is evolved. In Shark, this concept is modelled in the following way:

An individual consists of:

  • chromosomes,

  • the search point associated with the individual as well as

  • the fitness corresponding to the individual’s search point.

Two different types of fitness values are supported, namely the penalized and the unpenalized fitness. Whenever an individual’s search point violates one ore more constraints of the optimization problem at hand, an evolutionary algorithm might choose to encode this violation in terms of a penalized fitness value.

The class Individual is templated w.r.t. the type of the search point, the type of fitness and w.r.t. the type of the chromosome. For the latter one, the type is considered to be default- and copy-constructable. The fitness can either be double or vector values, like RealVector. To access the chromosome, a templated member function is provided:

typedef Individual< RealVector, double, int > MyIndividual;
MyIndividual ind;
ind.chromosome() = 5; // l-value semantic

Access to the search point is available by means of:

ind.searchPoint() =...;

Finally, access to the fitness value(s) can be accessed by :

ind.penalizedFitness() =…; ind.unpenalizedFitness() =…;

For unconstrained fitness functions, both values are the same. However in the case that the point violates the boundary, the search point is assigned the fitness value of the closest feasible point. In that case the penalizedFitness is also assigned an additional error depending on the distance of the point to the feasible region.

Populations, i.e., sets or multi-sets of individuals, are not modelled explicitly. Instead, any container type can be used to represent populations:

typedef Individual< RealVector, double, int > MyIndividual;
typedef std::set< Individual > Population;
typedef std::vector< Individual> RandomAccessPopulation;

Evolutionary Operators - Selection, Variation, Evaluation

Typical ingredients of evolutionary algorithms like mutation or crossover are modelled as separate operators that do work on a single or a range of individuals. No explicit interface is defined to abstract the functionality of variation operates but we define loose concepts for every type of operator.

Selection Operator

A selection operator selects a certain individual from a set of individuals. Thus, a selection operator selecting individuals uniformly at random can be implemented in the following way:

struct UniformSelection{
  template<typename Iterator>
  Iterator operator()( Iterator it, Iterator itE ) const {
    return( it + Rng::discrete( 0, std::distance( it, itE ) ) );

An iterator-based approach is favored in Shark. That is, the underlying container are abstracted and no unneccesary copy of individuals takes place.

Mutation Operator

A mutation operator alters a single individual and might apply changes to both the individual’s search point as well as its chromosomes. In general, const and non-const overloads should be available. For example, a bitflip mutation can be implemented as follows:

struct BitFlipMutation {
  // Non-const overload. Supplied individual is altered by the operator.
  template<typename Individual>
  void operator()( Individual & ind ) const {
    typedef typename Individual::SearchPointType PointType;
    for( PointType::iterator it = ind.begin(); it != ind.end(); ++it )
      if( shark::Rng::coinToss( 1./ind.size() ) )
    *it ^= *it;

  // Const overload. Mutated individual is returned.
  template<typename Individual>
  Individual operator()( const Individual & ind ) const {
    Individual result;
    (*this)( result );
    return( result );

The bit-flip mutation operator can be applied to a range of individuals by means of std::for_each:

// Binary encoded individuals with no chromosomes.
typedef TypedIndividual< std::vector< bool > > Individual;
typedef std::list< Individual > Population;

Population pop( 100, shark::make_individual( std::vector< bool >( 10 ) ) );
std::for_each( pop.begin(), pop.end(), BitFlipMutation() );

Putting it all together, we can already define a very simple evolutionary algorithm:

#include <shark/Algorithms/DirectSearch/TypedIndividual.h>
#include <shark/ObjectiveFunctions/Benchmarks/OneMax.h>

#include <shark/Rng/GlobalRng.h>

namespace shark {
  struct BitFlipMutation {
    template<typename Individual>
    void operator()( Individual & ind ) const {
      typedef typename Individual::SearchPointType PointType;
      PointType::iterator it = ind.begin() + Rng::discrete( 0, ind.size() - 1 );
      *it = ^*it;

    template<typename Individual>
    Individual operator()( const Individual & ind ) const {
      Individual result;
      (*this)( result );
      return( result );

// Implements a (1+1)-GA
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
  // Instantiate and configure the objective function.
  shark::OneMax oneMax;
  oneMax.setNoVariables( 10 );

  // Define types for individuals and populations.
  typedef shark::IndividualType< shark::BoolVector > Individual;

  // Generate, initialize and evaluate a parent individual.
  Individual parent( shark::BoolVector( 10, 0 ) );
  for( std::size_t i = 0; i < *(parent).size(); i++ )
    (*parent)( i ) = shark::Rng::coinToss( 0.5 ); shark::PenalizedFitness() ) = shark::UnpenalizedFitness() ) =
  oneMax( *(*it) );

  Individual offspring( parent );

  shark::BitFlipMutation mutation;

  while( shark::UnpenalizedFitness() ) > 0 ) {
    // Mating selection.
    offspring = parent;

    // Mutation.
    bfm( offspring );

    // Evaluation. shark::PenalizedFitness() ) = shark::UnpenalizedFitness() ) =
     oneMax( *(*it) );
    // Environmental selection.
    if( shark::UnpenalizedFitness() ) <= shark::UnpenalizedFitness() ) )
      std::swap( parent, offspring );

  // Print the total number of fitness function evaluations to solve the problem.
  std::cout << "(1+1)-GA took: " << oneMax.evaluationCounter() << " to solve OneMax." << std::endl;

  return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

Please see the example OnePlusOneGA for the complete source code and refer to the more complex examples for further directions. Please see the source code documentation to get a list of mutation operators available in the Shark library.

Crossover Operators

Crossover or recombination refers to combining the characteristics of two or more parent individuals for producing one or more offspring individuals. In the Shark library, crossover operators are modelled as function objects. Their characteristics like number of number of parent and offspring individuals are modelled in terms of RecombinationOperatorTraits. Thus, one point crossover operator can be implemented in the following way:

struct OnePointCrossover {
  template<typename Individual>
  Individual operator()(
    const Individual & mom,
    const Individual & dad,
    std::size_t point ) const {

    if( mom.size() != dad.size() )
      throw( SHARK_EXCEPTOIN( "Parents need to be of the same size." ) );

    Individual offspring( mom );
    std::copy( dad.begin() + point, dad.end(), offspring.begin() + point );

    return( offspring );

The operator takes two parent individuals mom and dad as input and produces one offspring individual. We make known the input and output arity of the operator by specializing RecombinationOperatorTraits:

template<> struct RecombinationOperatorTraits< OnePointCrossover > {
  static const std::size_t INPUT_ARITY = 2;
  static const std::size_t OUTPUT_ARITY = 1;