Loss and Cost Functions

Shark uses the notion of loss and cost functions to define machine learning tasks.

Loss functions

Consider a model (a hypothesis) \(f\) mapping inputs \(x\) to predictions \(y=f(x)\in Y\). Let \(t\in Y\) be the true label of input pattern \(x\). Then a loss function \(L:Y\times Y\to\mathbb{R}^+_0\) measures the quality of the prediction. If the prediction is perfectly accurate, the loss function is zero (\(t=y\Rightarrow L(t, y)=0\)). If not, the loss function measures “how bad” the mistake is. The loss can be interpreted as a penalty or error measure.

For a classification tast, a fundamental loss function is the 0-1-loss:

\[\begin{split}L(y,t)=\begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $y=t$}\\1 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}\end{split}\]

For regression, the squared loss is most popular:

\[L(y,t)= (y-t)^2\]

Using the concept of a loss function, the goal of supervised learning can be described as finding a model \(f\) minimizing the risk:

\[\mathcal{R}(f) = \mathbb{E}\{ L(t, f(x)) \}\]

Here the expectation \(\mathbb{E}\) is over the joint distribution underlying the observations of inputs and corresponding labels.

Cost functions

Now let us consider a collection of observations \(S=\{(x_1,t_1),(x_2,t_2),\dots,(x_N,t_N)\}\in(X\times Y)^N\) and corresponding predictions \(y_1.y_2,\dots,y_N\) by a model \(f\). A cost function \(C\) is a mapping assigning an overall cost value, which can be interpreted as an overall error, to \(\{(y_1,t_1),(y_2,t_2),\dots,(y_N,t_N)\}\in(Y\times Y)^N\). Every loss function induces a cost function, namely the empirical risk:

\[\mathcal{R}_S(f) = C(\{(y_1,t_1),(y_2,t_2),\dots,(y_N,t_N)\}) = \frac 1 N \sum_{i=1}^N L(y_i,t_i)\]

The cost function induced by the 0-1-loss is the average misclassification error and the cost function induced by the squared loss is the mean squared error (MSE).

However, there are cost functions which cannot be decomposed using a loss function. For example, the area under the curve (AUC). In other words, all loss functions generate a cost function, but not all cost functions must be based on a loss function.

List of Classes

See the documentation for Loss functions and Cost functions.


When both the loss function and the model are differentiable, it is possible to calculate the derivative of the empirical risk with respect to the model parameters \(w\):

\[\frac {\partial}{\partial w}\mathcal{R}_S(f) = \frac 1 N \sum_{i=1}^N \frac {\partial}{\partial f(x_i)}L(f(x_i),t_i)\frac {\partial}{\partial w}f(x_i)\]

This allows embarrassingly parallelizable gradient descent on the cost function. Please see the tutorial Shark Conventions for Derivatives for learning more about the handling of derivatives in Shark.

The base class ‘AbstractCost<LabelTypeT,OutputTypeT>’

The base class AbstractCost is templatized with respect to both the label and output type. Using batches, that is, collections of input elements, is an important concept in Shark, see the tutorial Data Batches. The proper batch types are inferred from the label and output types:




Type of a label \(t_i\)


Type of a model output \(z_i\)


Batch of Labels; same as Batch<LabelType>::type


Batch of Outputs; same as Batch<OutputType>::type

Like all other interfaces in Shark, cost functions have flags indicating their internal capabilities:

Flag, Accessor function


HAS_FIRST_DERIVATIVE, hasFirstDerivative

Can the cost function calculate its first derivative?

IS_LOSS_FUNCTION, isLossFunction

Is the cost function a loss in the above terms (i.e., separable)?

The interface of AbstractCost reflects the fact that costs can only be evaluated on a complete set of data. The following functions can be used for evaluation of AbstractCost. For brevity let L be the LabelType and O the OutputType:



double eval(Data<L> const& label, Data<O> const& predictions)

Returns the mean cost of the predictions \(z_i\) given the label \(t_i\).

double operator()(Data<L> const& label, Data<O> const& predictions)

Convenience function Returning eval(label,predictions)

The base class ‘AbstractLoss<LabelTypeT,OutputTypeT>’

The base class AbstractLoss is derived from AbstractCost. It implements all methods of its base class and offers several additional methods. Shark code is allowed to read the flag IS_LOSS_FUNCTION via the public method isLossFunction() and to downcast an AbstractCost object to an AbstractLoss. This enables the use of the following much more efficient interface:



double eval(LabelType const& t, InputType const& z)

Returns the error of the prediction \(z\) given the label \(t\).

double eval(BatchLabelType const& T, BatchInputType const& Z)

Returns the sum of errors of the predictions \(z_i \in Z\) given the label \(t_i \in T\).

double operator()(LabelType const& t, InputType const& z)

Calls eval(t,z)

double operator()(BatchLabelType const& T, BatchInputType const& Z)

Calls eval(T,Z

double evalDerivative(BatchLabelType const& T, BatchInputType const& Z, BatchInputType const& gradient)

Returns the error of the predictions \(z_i\) given the label \(t_i\) and computes \(\frac {\partial}{\partial z_i}L(z_i,t_i)\)