Go to the documentation of this file.
2 *
3 *
4 * \brief implements different versions of Resilient Backpropagation of error.
5 *
6 * \author Oswin Krause
7 * \date 2010
8 *
9 *
10 * \par Copyright 1995-2017 Shark Development Team
11 *
12 * <BR><HR>
13 * This file is part of Shark.
14 * <https://shark-ml.github.io/Shark/>
15 *
16 * Shark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
17 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
18 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
19 * (at your option) any later version.
20 *
21 * Shark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
25 *
26 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
27 * along with Shark. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 *
29 */
36namespace shark{
39 * \brief This class offers methods for the usage of the
40 * Resilient-Backpropagation-algorithm with/out weight-backtracking.
41 *
42 * The Rprop algorithm is an improvement of the algorithms with adaptive
43 * learning rates, which use increments for the update
44 * of the weights which are independent from the absolute partial
45 * derivatives. This makes sense, because large flat regions
46 * in the search space (plateaus) lead to small absolute partial
47 * derivatives and so the increments are chosen small, but the increments
48 * should be large to skip the plateau. In contrast, the absolute partial
49 * derivatives are very large at the "slopes" of very "narrow canyons",
50 * which leads to large increments that will skip the minimum lying
51 * at the bottom of the canyon, but it would make more sense to
52 * chose small increments to hit the minimum.
53 *
54 * So, the Rprop algorithm only uses the signs of the partial derivatives
55 * and not the absolute values to adapt the parameters. <br>
56 * Instead of individual learning rates, it uses the parameter
57 * \f$\Delta_i^{(t)}\f$ for weight \f$w_i,\ i = 1, \dots, n\f$ in
58 * iteration \f$t\f$, where the parameter will be adapted before the
59 * change of the weights: <br>
60 *
61 * \f$
62 * \Delta_i^{(t)} = \Bigg\{
63 * \begin{array}{ll}
64 * min( \eta^+ \cdot \Delta_i^{(t-1)}, \Delta_{max} ), & \mbox{if\ }
65 * \frac{\partial E^{(t-1)}}{\partial w_i} \cdot
66 * \frac{\partial E^{(t)}}{\partial w_i} > 0 \\
67 * max( \eta^- \cdot \Delta_i^{(t-1)}, \Delta_{min} ), & \mbox{if\ }
68 * \frac{\partial E^{(t-1)}}{\partial w_i} \cdot
69 * \frac{\partial E^{(t)}}{\partial w_i} < 0 \\
70 * \Delta_i^{(t-1)}, & \mbox{otherwise}
71 * \end{array}
72 * \f$
73 *
74 * The parameters \f$\eta^+ > 1\f$ and \f$0 < \eta^- < 1\f$ control
75 * the speed of the adaptation. To stabilize the increments, they are
76 * restricted to the interval \f$[\Delta_{min}, \Delta_{max}]\f$. <br>
77 * After the adaptation of the \f$\Delta_i\f$ the update for the
78 * weights will be calculated as
79 *
80 * \f$
81 * \Delta w_i^{(t)} := - \mbox{sign}
82 * \left( \frac{\partial E^{(t)}}{\partial w_i}\right) \cdot \Delta_i^{(t)}
83 * \f$
84 *
85 * There are several variants of the algorithm depending on what happens
86 * when the optimum is overstepped, i.e. a sign change of the gradient occurs
87 * and/or the new objective value is larger than the old.
88 *
89 * Weight-backtracking can be used to increase the
90 * stability of the method.
91 * if \f$\frac{\partial E^{(t-1)}}{\partial w_i} \cdot
92 * \frac{\partial E^{(t)}}{\partial w_i} < 0\f$ then
93 * \f$\Delta w_i^{(t)} := - \Delta w_i^{(t-1)}\f$.
94 * This heuristic can be improved by further taking the value of the last iteration
95 * into ccount: only undo an updated if the sign changed and the new function value
96 * is worse than the last. The idea of this modification is, that a change of the sign of the
97 * partial derivation \f$\frac{\partial E}{\partial w_i}\f$
98 * only states, that a minimum was skipped and not, whether this step
99 * lead to an approach to the minimum or not.
100 *
101 * Furthermore, it has been shown to be beneficial to use gradient freezing
102 * when the rgadient changes sign, i.e. ,
103 * if \f$\frac{\partial E^{(t-1)}}{\partial w_i} \cdot
104 * \frac{\partial E^{(t)}}{\partial w_i} < 0\f$ then
105 * \f$\frac{\partial E^{(t)}}{\partial w_i} := 0\f$;
106 * Thus, after an unsuccessful step is performed, delta is not changed
107 * for one iteration.
108 *
109 * Based on this, 4 major algorithms can be derived:
110 * Rprop-: (no backtracking, no freezing)
111 * IRprop-: (no backtracking, freezing)
112 * Rprop+: (gradient based backtracking, freezing)
113 * IRprop+: (function value based backtracking, freezing)
114 *
115 * By default, IRprop+ is chosen.
116 *
117 * For further information about the algorithm, please refer to: <br>
118 *
119 * Martin Riedmiller and Heinrich Braun, <br>
120 * "A Direct Adaptive Method for Faster Backpropagation Learning: The
121 * RPROP Algorithm". <br>
122 * In "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks",
123 * pp. 586-591, <br>
124 * Published by IEEE Press in 1993
125 *
126 * Martin Riedmiller, <br>
127 * "Advanced Supervised Learning in Multi-layer Perceptrons -
128 * From Backpropagation to Adaptive Learning Algorithms". <br>
129 * In "International Journal of Computer Standards and Interfaces", volume 16,
130 * no. 5, 1994, pp. 265-278 <br>
131 *
132 * Christian Igel and Michael H&uuml;sken, <br>
133 * "Empirical Evaluation of the Improved Rprop Learning Algorithm". <br>
134 * In Neurocomputing Journal, 2002, in press <br>
135 * \ingroup gradientopt
136 */
137template<class SearchPointType = RealVector>
138class Rprop : public AbstractSingleObjectiveOptimizer<SearchPointType >
144 /// \brief From INameable: return the class name.
145 std::string name() const
146 { return "Rprop"; }
148 void init(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction, SearchPointType const& startingPoint);
149 void init(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction, SearchPointType const& startingPoint, double initDelta);
152 void step(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction);
154 virtual void read( InArchive & archive );
155 virtual void write( OutArchive & archive ) const;
157 //! set decrease factor
158 void setEtaMinus(double etaMinus) {
159 RANGE_CHECK( etaMinus < 1 );
160 RANGE_CHECK( etaMinus > 0 );
161 m_decreaseFactor = etaMinus;
162 }
164 //! set increase factor
165 void setEtaPlus(double etaPlus) {
166 RANGE_CHECK( etaPlus > 1 );
167 m_increaseFactor = etaPlus;
168 }
170 //! set upper limit on update
171 void setMaxDelta(double d) {
172 RANGE_CHECK( d > 0 );
173 m_maxDelta = d;
174 }
176 //! set lower limit on update
177 void setMinDelta(double d) {
178 RANGE_CHECK( d >= 0 );
179 m_minDelta = d;
180 }
182 void setUseOldValue(bool useOldValue){
183 m_useOldValue = useOldValue;
184 if(m_useOldValue)
185 this->m_features |= this->REQUIRES_VALUE;
186 else
187 this->m_features.reset(this->REQUIRES_VALUE);
188 }
189 void setUseFreezing(bool useFreezing){
190 m_useFreezing = useFreezing;
191 }
192 void setUseBacktracking(bool useBacktracking){
193 m_useBacktracking = useBacktracking;
194 }
196 //! return the maximal step size component
197 double maxDelta() const {
198 return *std::max_element(m_delta.begin(),m_delta.end());
199 }
201 /// \brief Returns the derivative at the current point. Can be used for stopping criteria.
203 return m_derivative;
204 }
208 //! The increase factor \f$ \eta^+ \f$, set to 1.2 by default.
211 //! The decrease factor \f$ \eta^- \f$, set to 0.5 by default.
214 //! The upper limit of the increments \f$ \Delta w_i^{(t)} \f$, set to 1e100 by default.
217 //! The lower limit of the increments \f$ \Delta w_i^{(t)} \f$, set to 0.0 by default.
219 //! The last function value observed
224 //! The last error gradient.
226 //! the step eprformed last. used for weight backtracking
229 //! The absolute update values (increment) for all weights.
237extern template class Rprop<RealVector>;
238extern template class Rprop<FloatVector>;