Go to the documentation of this file.
2 *
3 * \author O.Krause
4 * \date 2016
5 *
6 *
7 * \par Copyright 1995-2017 Shark Development Team
8 *
9 * <BR><HR>
10 * This file is part of Shark.
11 * <https://shark-ml.github.io/Shark/>
12 *
13 * Shark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
15 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 * (at your option) any later version.
17 *
18 * Shark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
22 *
23 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
24 * along with Shark. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 *
26 */
30#include <shark/LinAlg/Base.h>
32#include <algorithm>
33#include <vector>
34#include <deque>
36namespace shark {
37/// \brief Implementation of the exact hypervolume subset selection algorithm in 2 dimensions.
39/// This algorithm solves the problem of selecting a subset of points with largest hypervolume in 2D.
40/// The algorithm has complexity n (k+log(n))
42/// While this algorithm accepts fronts with dominated points in it, the caller has to ensure
43/// that after domination checks there are at least as many points left as there are to select. The
44/// Algorithm will throw an exception otherwise.
46/// This can easily be ensured by removing the nondominated points prior to calling this function.
48/// The algorithm is described in:
49/// Bringmann, Karl, Tobias Friedrich, and Patrick Klitzke.
50/// "Two-dimensional subset selection for hypervolume and epsilon-indicator."
51/// Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation.
52/// ACM, 2014.
53/// (although it is not very helpful)
57 struct Point{
58 Point(){}
60 Point(double f1, double f2, std::size_t index)
61 : f1(f1)
62 , f2(f2)
63 , index(index)
64 , selected(false)
65 {}
67 bool operator<(Point const& rhs) const{//for lexicographic sorting
68 if (f1 < rhs.f1) return true;
69 if (f1 > rhs.f1) return false;
70 return (f2 < rhs.f1);
71 }
73 double f1;
74 double f2;
75 std::size_t index;
76 bool selected;
77 };
79 ///\brief Linear function a*x+b where a is stored in first and b is stored in section.
80 ///
81 /// The linear function also stores an index to uniquely identify it.
82 ///
83 /// Linear functions are used in the algorithm to represent the
84 /// volume of a given set of points under the change of reference point.
85 /// more formally, let H^l_i be the volume of a set of points of size l with largest
86 /// x-value at the point (x_i,y_i) and reference point x_i(thus H^l_i can only use points
87 /// 1,...,i).
88 /// Then for x>x_i we have
89 /// f_i^l(x) = H_i^l+ y_i(x_i-x)=-x*y_i+y_i*x_i+H = a*x+b.
90 /// Later the algorithm will use an upper envelope over a set of those functions
91 /// to decide which points to add to the sets until the size of the sets is k.
92 ///
93 /// for this application the stored index is the same as index i of the point stated above.
94 struct LinearFunction{
96 double a;
97 double b;
98 std::size_t index;
100 LinearFunction(double a, double b, std::size_t index = 0):a(a), b(b), index(index){}
101 LinearFunction(){}
103 double eval(double x)const{
104 return a*x + b;
105 }
106 };
108 /// \brief Returns the intersection of two linear functions
109 double Intersection(LinearFunction f1, LinearFunction f2)const{
110 return (f2.b - f1.b) / (f1.a - f2.a);
111 }
114 /// \brief Calculates for each given x the maximum among the functions f, i.e. the upper envelope of f.
115 ///
116 /// Algorithm 2 in the paper. Complexity O(n)
117 /// given a set of functions f_1...f_n, ordered by slope such that f_1.a < f_2.a<...<f_n.a and points with x-coordinate x_1<...<x_n
118 /// computes h_i = max_{1 <= j <= i} f_j(x_i) for i=1,...,n as well as the index of the function leading to the value h_i
119 std::pair<std::vector<double>,std::vector<std::size_t> > upperEnvelope(
120 std::vector<LinearFunction>const& functions,
121 std::vector<Point> const& points
122 )const{
123 SHARK_ASSERT(functions.size() == points.size());
124 std::size_t n = points.size();
125 std::vector<double> h(n);
126 std::vector<std::size_t> chosen(n);
127 std::deque<LinearFunction> s;
129 // This is the original algorithm 2 as in the paper. Even if the paper looks at maximum
130 // hypervolume where domination is given when one point has LARGER function
131 // values as the other, In section 3.2 they transform the problem to a problem
132 // where domination is given by SMALLER function values and then accordingly
133 // give the algorithm for this type. They just give the transformation but do not say
134 // what the transformation does so it is not clear until you implement it.
135 //
136 // This is a super confusing part of the paper, please kids, do not be like Bringmann et al.
137 // Keep it simple, stupid. Sometimes an additional index does not hurt.
138 //
139 //the algorithm works by inserting functions f_1 to f_i one-by-one, figuring out which functions
140 // are dominated (not being part of the upper envelope) and removing all functions which for
141 // function values x_i,x_i+1,... are already smaller than one of the other function.
142 // using the ordering relations given the set s contains the function ordered by (current) function value.
143 // so after iteration i we can just extract the largest function value for x_i by looking at the first element of s.
144 for (std::size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
146 // remove dominated functions.
147 // as we push back into s,
148 // at the end of s are the functions with largest slope.
149 // therefore if we have the last two elements as s_-1 and s_-2 and the new
150 // function f, knowing that the intersection of s_-1 and f is smaller than the intersection
151 // of s_-1 and s_-2 means that s_-1 is dominated by s_-2 and f and thus can be removed.
152 while (s.size() > 1 ) {
154 double d1 = Intersection(functions[i], s.end()[-1]);
155 double d2 = Intersection(s.end()[-2], s.end()[-1]);
157 if (d1 <= d2 || std::abs(d1-d2) < 1.e-10) {//check for numeric stability
158 s.pop_back();
159 } else {
160 break;
161 }
162 }
163 //include the new function and store its index.
164 s.push_back(functions[i]);
165 s.back().index = i;
166 // at the beginning of s are the functions with smallest slope
167 // if the first function in s has a smaller function value for the current
168 // x_i than the second function,
169 // we can safely remove it as it can not be part of the envelope any more
170 // (We are only looking at function values >=x from now on and thus the larger slope domintes)
171 while (s.size() > 1) {
172 double d1 = s[0].eval(points[i].f1);
173 double d2 = s[1].eval(points[i].f1);
175 if (d1 < d2 || std::abs(d1-d2) < 1.e-10) {
176 s.pop_front();
177 } else {
178 break;
179 }
180 }
181 //assign maximum
182 //the functions in s are ordered by function value
183 // the function with the largest function value is currently at the front
184 h[i] = s[0].eval(points[i].f1);
185 chosen[i] = s[0].index;
186 }
187 return std::make_pair(std::move(h),std::move(chosen));
188 }
191 /// Fast calculation O(n*k) for the hypervolume selection problem.
192 /// for the selected points, it sets selected=true.
193 void hypSSP(std::vector<Point>& front,std::size_t k)const{
194 SHARK_RUNTIME_CHECK( k > 0, "k must be non-zero");
195 SHARK_RUNTIME_CHECK( k <= front.size(), "The front must have at least k nondominated points");
197 std::size_t n = front.size();
198 std::vector<LinearFunction> functions(n);
200 std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > chosen;
201 std::vector<double> h(n,0.0);
202 for(std::size_t j=0; j != k-1; ++j) {//compute until k-1 elements are chosen
203 for(std::size_t i=0; i != n; ++i ) {
204 functions[i] = LinearFunction( -front[i].f2, front[i].f1* front[i].f2 + h[i]);
205 }
206 auto result = upperEnvelope(functions, front);
207 h = result.first;
208 chosen.push_back(result.second);
209 }
211 //choose the last element by simply iterating over all elements
212 std::size_t currentIndex = 0;
213 double res = -1;
214 for(std::size_t i=0; i != n; ++i ) {
215 LinearFunction f(-front[i].f2, front[i].f1*front[i].f2 + h[i]);
216 if(f.eval(0) > res) {
217 res = f.eval(0);
218 currentIndex = i;
219 }
220 }
221 front[currentIndex].selected = true;
222 //iterate backwards to reconstruct chosen indizes
223 for(auto pos = chosen.rbegin(); pos != chosen.rend(); ++pos){
224 currentIndex = (*pos)[currentIndex];
225 front[currentIndex].selected = true;
226 }
227 }
229 template<typename Set>
230 std::vector<Point> createFront(Set const& points, double refX, double refY)const{
231 //copy points using the new reference frame with refPoint at (0,0). also store original index for later
232 std::vector<Point> front;
233 for(std::size_t i = 0; i != points.size(); ++i){
234 front.emplace_back(points[i](0) - refX, points[i](1) - refY,i);
235 }
236 std::sort(front.begin(),front.end());//sort lexicographically
237 //erase dominated points
238 auto newEnd = std::unique(front.begin(),front.end(),[](Point const& x, Point const& y){
239 return y.f2 >= x.f2;//by lexikographic sort we already have y.f1 >= x.f1
240 });
241 front.erase(newEnd,front.end());
242 return front;
243 }
245 /// \brief Executes the algorithm.
246 /// While this algorithm in general accepts fronts with dominated points in it, the caller has to ensure
247 /// that after domination checks there are at least as many points left as there are to select. The
248 /// Algorithm will throw an exception otherwise.
249 ///
250 /// This can easily be ensured by removing the nondominated points prior to calling this function.
251 /// \param [in] points The set \f$S\f$ of points to select
252 /// \param [out] selected set of the same size as the set of points indicating whether the point is selected (1) or not (0)
253 /// \param [in] k number of points to select. Must be lrger than 0
254 /// \param [in] refPoint The reference point \f$\vec{r} \in \mathbb{R}^2\f$ for the hypervolume calculation, needs to fulfill: \f$ \forall s \in S: s \preceq \vec{r}\f$. .
255 template<typename Set, typename SelectedSet, typename VectorType >
256 void operator()( Set const& points, SelectedSet& selected, std::size_t k, VectorType const& refPoint){
257 SIZE_CHECK(points.size() == selected.size());
258 SHARK_RUNTIME_CHECK(k > 0, "k must be >0");
259 SHARK_RUNTIME_CHECK( k <= points.size(), "the number of points must be larger than k");
260 SIZE_CHECK( points.begin()->size() == 2 );
261 SIZE_CHECK( refPoint.size() == 2 );
263 for(auto&& s: selected)
264 s = false;
266 std::vector<Point> front = createFront(points, refPoint(0), refPoint(1));
268 //find the optimal set in the front. afterwards selected points have selected=true
269 hypSSP(front,k);
270 //mark selected points in the original front
271 for(Point const& point: front){
272 if(point.selected){
273 selected[point.index] = true;
274 }
275 }
276 }
278 /// \brief Executes the algorithm.
279 ///
280 /// This version does not use a reference point. instead the extreme points are always kept which implicitely defines a reference point
281 /// that after domination checks there are at least as many points left as there are to select. The
282 /// Algorithm will throw an exception otherwise.
283 ///
284 /// This can easily be ensured by removing the nondominated points prior to calling this function.
285 ///
286 /// \param [in] points The set \f$S\f$ of points to select
287 /// \param [out] selected set of the same size as the set of points indicating whether the point is selected (1) or not (0)
288 /// \param [in] k number of points to select, must be larger or equal 2
289 template<typename Set, typename SelectedSet>
290 void operator()( Set const& points, SelectedSet& selected, std::size_t k){
291 SIZE_CHECK(points.size() == selected.size());
292 SHARK_RUNTIME_CHECK( k >= 2, "k must be larger or equal 2");
293 SHARK_RUNTIME_CHECK( k <= points.size(), "the number of points mjust be larger than k");
294 SIZE_CHECK(points.size() == selected.size());
295 SIZE_CHECK( points.begin()->size() == 2 );
297 for(auto&& s: selected)
298 s = false;
300 //create front using "fake ref"
301 std::vector<Point> front = createFront(points, 0,0);
303 //get reference value from extremal points
304 double refX= front.back().f1;
305 double refY= front.front().f2;
307 for(auto&& point: front){
308 point.f1 -= refX;
309 point.f2 -= refY;
310 }
312 //mark the extrema as chosen and remove them from the front
313 selected[front.front().index] = true;
314 selected[front.back().index] = true;
315 front.pop_back();
316 front.erase(front.begin(),front.begin()+1);
317 if(k == 2) return;
319 //find the optimal set in the front. afterwards selected points have selected=true
320 hypSSP(front,k-2);
321 //mark selected points in the original front
322 for(Point const& point: front){
323 if(point.selected){
324 selected[point.index] = true;
325 }
326 }
327 }