111HAS_VALUE = 1, ///< The function can be evaluated and evalDerivative returns a meaningless value (for example std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_nan()).
112HAS_FIRST_DERIVATIVE = 2, ///< The method evalDerivative is implemented for the first derivative and returns a sensible value.
113HAS_SECOND_DERIVATIVE = 4, ///< The method evalDerivative is implemented for the second derivative and returns a sensible value.
116HAS_CONSTRAINT_HANDLER = 32, ///< The constraints are governed by a constraint handler which can be queried by getConstraintHandler()
117CAN_PROVIDE_CLOSEST_FEASIBLE = 64, ///< If the function is constrained, the method closestFeasible is implemented and returns a "repaired" solution.
118IS_THREAD_SAFE = 128, ///< can eval or evalDerivative be called in parallel?
119IS_NOISY = 256 ///< The function value is perturbed by some kind of noise